A small window into my very vast amounts of spare time.

You don't have to take an interest... But it would be nice to be humoured =)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

St Georges Cross will BURN in the streets.

Needless to say, England were shocking.
Mum said that she felt sorry for some of the players. I don’t share her sympathy. They get to go home to their big mansions and their big pay cheques and their plastic wives, while I’m left with a bitter taste in my mouth, at another disappointing England saga.
It’s all just a bit shit really.

College tomorow. *sob*
I’m sure that'll be fun. I’m miles behind on everything. I really don’t want to give my parents more reasons to be worried about my current education =\

Went to watch the match with my grandparents though, which was HILAROUS seeing as they are both... a bit mental, and both DISPISE the Germans. Listening to them shout and scream every time the Germans so much as came onto the screen, kinda made it easier to watch... and a whole lot funnier =)

As voiced by many, "Meh, at least we won the war," and I can’t help but feel a little satisfaction about the US going out as well. At least they didn’t get further than us...

At least Capello was a good laugh to watch ^.^
I doubt he will be in the next world cup... Bring on Harry Redknapp?
There is no way he could bankrupt the England team... but if anyone could... he would find a way.

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