A small window into my very vast amounts of spare time.

You don't have to take an interest... But it would be nice to be humoured =)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Zombie Apocalypse? Bring it on.

Today was hot. Way too hot. Instead of playing football, I ended up sitting with Shelly, Curtis, and Kris discussing in great detail, how the four of us would deal with the zombie apocalypse. I won’t bore you with all the details... just most of them =P

We would start at college, as that would be one of the main military installations in Southampton (which is where the outbreak started.) Once we formed our group, we would have 15 minutes before the college was completely overrun by flesh hungry zombies. In this time, we would have to sneak passed the all the soldiers and the wounded, into their armoury, which was located in the sports hall, and take all the guns and supplies we would need. We would then have to make our way out of the temporary safe haven of college, and onto the streets.
Our next stop would have to be the train station. Needless to say, the roads would be gridlocked, so driving to the station would be out of the question, (thus eliminating the need for Steph =])
Once at the station, we would have to somehow get a car of some sort onto the tracks, as all the trains in and out of Southampton would have been halted, to help contain the outbreak. Once on the tracks, we would proceed to Portsmouth (eww.) commandeer some sort of boat (probably a ferry, or a speed boat) and proceed to the Isle of Wight, (being the least populated and most isolated area.) We could then kill all zombies, and spare whichever of the survivors didn’t piss us off. From there, we would just wait it out, until the whole thing blew over.

For some reason, in our combined logic, zombies can’t swim. We had better hope they can't... Or our plan is pretty much fucked.

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