A small window into my very vast amounts of spare time.

You don't have to take an interest... But it would be nice to be humoured =)

Monday, July 5, 2010

The best things in life, are thought up on the spot.

Today, a game of EPIC PROPORTIONS was born.
All you need is a tennis ball, a fairly large table, and some quick thinking creative friends, who are up for a good laugh.

Ok. Set the scene.

It’s me, Kris, Smurf, and Heather sat round a table, with Greg sat just off to my left. Kris was sat across from me, Heather to my right, and Smurf at a diagonal to me.

The study area was deserted apart from us.

We had a tennis ball, and Kris rolled it across the table at me. I bounced it back, and in this fashion, we started a rally. Smurf then joined Kris at his side, and Heather at mine, and we had a doubles game. I gave Greg the role as our umpire, and told him he could make up the rules as saw fit.
After about 5 minutes of our umpire's random scoring, and my commentating, someone, (it may have been me, I can’t honestly remember) came up with the idea, that whenever you forced an error from someone else, you could introduce a rule of your own to the game, and everyone would have to abide by that rule. So, if someone said, for example, that every time you hit the ball to another player, you have to make a fart sound, you would get a table full of people palming a tennis ball to each other, making far noises at each other across a table.
So, you can either add a new rule to the table, OR get rid of someone else’s rule, so if you didn’t like making fart noises at the person sat across from you, then you could cut that rule out for the time being.

As the game progressed, we ended up standing on back to front chairs, with our elbows and heads glued to the table, making fart noises every time we hit the ball, and also saying a name that we thought you would name a black person after you made the fart noise. Hehe... farmer... ANYWAY.

It’s the perfect college game. No teacher would dare challenge you, because you look so terrifyingly retarded, and it’s SO MUCH FUN. However, the game does require a lot of creativity and quick thinking, but still, SO much fun to play.
I would highly recommend it to anyone.

This game has been christened, “The Rules Game”

This is EXACTLY how I imagined college would be.

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