A small window into my very vast amounts of spare time.

You don't have to take an interest... But it would be nice to be humoured =)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When left to my own devices...


Ok. My day as follows.

Getting up:
The plan:
Get up at half 1, as per.

What actually happened:
Dad woke me up at 7. I was far from amused.

Gaming and such:
The plan:
Game until my eyeballs bled.

What actually happened:
Fuck all.

The Plan:

What actually happened:
As per usual, I left it too late and the chippy was closed. SO. I gathered together every single piece of edible food that i could find, which consisted of frozen hash browns, sweetcorn, cheese, bacon, and eggs.

After Food:
The Plan:
More gaming.

What actually happened:
I ended up writing a story about how I was raped by a tree. Please see bellow:

"Well, when I was going through my druid stage, I began talking to a fair few trees. It was all going great! All the nature, all that shit, Then it became clear... the trees had other ideas...They began to... tell me things... things they wanted to do... to me... This went on for about a week or so, when one of the trees, a silver birch, made his move. I slapped his hand away, but he just kept on groping... So I ran. Later that night, I heard a rustling outside my open window. I turned on the light, but it was just the wind blowing the branches of the silver birch outside my window. I turned the lights back off... And the tree came in through the window. 8 hours of relentless tree rape ensued."

I really hope you enjoyed that disturbing and fascinating tale. I will creatively answer any questions you may have about tree sex.
After more gaming:
The plan:


What actually happened:
Found out Steph got a nose piercing, and that KYLE IS A TWILIGHT FAG. What has been watched, cannot be unwatched Kyle.

The Plan:

What actually happened:
I blogged. huh. weird.

Today did not go as planed, but left to my own devices, I did manage to keep myself alive, and write a very interesting tale of tree rape. Needless to say, I need to get out, get a life, and laid.

-And everyone shares a laugh.-


  1. How did the subject of Tree Rape even get into your head?
    That's all I want to know :P

  2. I was Facebooking, and I basically come up with the quote, "Why does everything I talk to stalk me?"
    The people in the conversation asked for some examples, other than their fine selves, so I came up with this little beauty on the spot. I was fairly pleased with the outcome.
