A small window into my very vast amounts of spare time.

You don't have to take an interest... But it would be nice to be humoured =)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Has anyone seen my dignity?

Ok. I'm just going to write for a bit. 

Kay. My day started, with me going to sleep at 2 in the morning, waking up at 3 in the afternoon. For all those who are too lazy to work it out, thats 13 hours sleep. So. I woke up, staggered downstairs, and had some chocolate for breakfast...lunch...thingie.

I walk into the lounge, flick on the telly, and Countdown is on. Mum comes to watch it with me. We try to play the game along with the contestants, with varying success. (I did good =3)

So, towards the end of the program, the two contestants were locked in a dead heat.

They put up some letters. 

The contestants chew their pens and pretend to look busy.

The timer is up.

Host: "So, what have you got for us?"

Contestant: "Erm... nothing..."

Other Contestant: "Nothing."

At this, I laughed, as I had seen a word that could be made from the letters up there, but I did not voice it, because it was completely absurd. 

The smug women sat at the side, with their dictionary, and computer that does all the work for them, state that there is one word. I held my breath.

Smug women: "The possible word is "Noobie," which is a term used in online games and chat rooms, to describe someone who is, new to the game, or not very good."

At this moment, my world fell apart. That was of course, my word, but I never thought in a million years, that it would be accepted.


Countdown just shouldn't go there. If it isn't bad enough that its day time television, is that it actually used that word. I mean, what...?

What has been watched, cannot be unwatched, but seriously. Come on. Really?

Has your show really become that desperate that you are willing to accept words that were invented by a NERD?

Its like God accepting Garry Glitter into heaven, because he likes his music. (We all know God wants to be a member of the gang.)

I mean, I know its still a word, but really? I thought countdown was only supposed to use REAL words? I'm sure that "Noobie" is not in the oxford dictionary. I'm sure of it. 

A part of me died that day, as did a large part of the gaming community. 

A lot of questions can be asked of that day. Why did I sleep for 13 hours? Why did I have chocolate for breakfast...lunch...thingie? And WHY did I then proceed to watch Countdown?

But, the real question is, WHAT THE FUCK COUNTFDOWN? What has become of your show? I thought you had standards! I thought you were cool! But no. No. You went there, and you just shouldn't have.

This relationship is OVER.

Fuck you Countdown. You have successfully made something that wasn't even that cool to start with, EVEN FUCKING GAYER.

Old ladies around the country (and myself) were reacting pretty much EXACTLY like this...

Countdown. I am DISSAPOINT.

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